How my journey began


Before I begin to talk about my journey let me introduce myself, my name is Celena. I am the founder of Blue Maverick Animal Care.

My journey began when I fostered for the very first time. It was also the very last time, because I am what everyone refers to as a “foster failure.” Let me tell you a secret I never wanted a German Shepherd, never thought I would have one, not even when I went to pick up the two tiny fluff balls from the vets office. They were cute, but aren’t all puppies? I only had to keep them a few days, no big deal. Until days, became one week, one week became two weeks, and here we are today. Me and my partner in everything I do, Blue.

Before we get there, let’s talk about how I learned to understand dogs, and that was in a nontraditional way; I first learned to understand horses. Horses like dogs, rely on silent communication, subtle cues, and spacial pressure. My background in horses can be found in all of the training principals used in our programs. Our program uses a combination of methods, to create a respectful and understanding relationship with your dog; while still holding them accountable for their actions when needed, and implementing structure in their daily routine. We utilize tools such as, ecollar, prong collars, and slip leads to communicate efficiently. I am confident that together we can create a life full of structure, better decisions, and a healthy relationship for you and your dog.

Before you go, there’s just one more thing we have to address, and that’s why you’ll rarely see me without Blue by my side. I was diagnosed with Hypoglycemia Unawareness, which means that my blood sugar drops, multiple times a day with no provocation. Blue’s job is to alert me when this is occurring, and is also the reason we offer, Service Dog Training, as well as, Companion Dog Training. Blue holds the title of Assistant Trainer, she will be with your dog, and myself in every step of their training journey.

Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about us!

Feel free to reach out when you’re ready. We look forward to talking with you and creating a better relationship for you and your dog.

~Celena and Blue
