Please Give Me Space

It happens to all of us, you’re out walking with your dog, and a person, comes into your space. Then, without any concern in the world and without any permission begins to reach out. Let’s take a minute to just point out that we are still in the time of COVID-19. Everyone is supposed to space themselves 6ft apart, and individuals STILL feel the need to encroach into your space. Not only is it unsafe, but oh so annoying. If you are walking by a dog do not just reach out your hand to pet it, if you are holding a door open for a dog and owner, keep your hands to yourself, just because they are walking by is not an invitation.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that people love dogs. I really do, but I feel as though there are more polite ways to approach a situation, when we are permitted in future times, post pandemic.

There is one clear polite way that everyone seems to forget, and stay with me here, it’s very complex and a multi-step process: you ask. That’s right, a polite, “excuse me, is it okay to pet your dog?” If the owner allows it, have at it, but if they refuse, accept it. That’s right I said it, ACCEPT IT. Accept the fact that it is not your dog, it is not your decision, and you do not have the right to pet every dog on the street. The owner does not owe you an explanation as to why.

It could be a working dog, it could be a shy dog, the dog could be working on neutrality to people, or all of the above. If they choose to relay this information to you, that is there decision, but do not pressure people into answering or explaining as to why if they’re not comfortable.

I think what it comes down to is entitlement. Everyone thinks, they should be able to pet the dog, because they WANT to, but that’s not how things work. If you need to pay for something, do you reach into a stranger’s purse to pay? Of course not, you keep your hands to yourself and pay with your own means. The same things applies to dogs, if it is not your dog, you do not touch without permission.

In the end all people are asking is for you to be respectful. Respectful of their dog, respectful of their space, and respectful of their choices.


Fall Treats


What is a Service Animal?